press release – English text
21 January 2024 – 17 February 2024
Je cherche en même temps l’éternel et l’éphémère
Georges Perec
En Route! OULIPO en route! is a presentation by Stephan Keppel and Marc Nagtzaam at Bradwolff Projects. The starting point is the city. The daily routes we take define our sense of the urban space. Your perspective as a pedestrian or cyclist determines what you see – the surface, the soil, the dirt, sometimes an object, a kerb or a tile pattern. These impressions play a central role in the works of Stephan Keppel. The abstract works of Marc Nagtzaam align with those of Keppel, intensifying the urban experience.
The exhibition is a follow-up to the web project En Route, a collaboration by artists Marc Nagtzaam and Stephan Keppel with curator Saskia Monshouwer in 2020. In this project, Monshouwer described her daily routes through the city; Nagtzaam contributed with his series ‘Zeichnungen / an Index of Notes / 2019 ongoing’; and Keppel created the series ‘Sort Curve Circular Act, Amsterdam 2019-2020’. A paper edition of ‘En Route’ will be presented during the exhibition alongside a new joint publication by Keppel and Nagtzaam.
Stephan Keppel’s work consists of representations of objects and parts of objects, such as plants, stones or a piece of concrete. His use of simple printing techniques creates multi- layered images. The minor flaws that occur during printing are accepted as part of the image, traces that are testament to the process. Marc Nagtzaam creates series of pencil drawings of geometric patterns. The abstraction he employs forms a distinct visual language that is unmistakably his own. Both Keppel and Nagtzaam regularly produce books; Keppel’s are designed by Hans Gremmen; and Nagtzaam’s by Roger Willems, Roma Editions.
Nishiko is a photographer engaging in long-term art projects, such as the ‘Repairing Earthquake Project’ in which she seeks out and repairs objects lost to disasters. Specially for the occasion, she will design a soundscape which can be heard during the opening at Bradwolff Projects and the event at Perdu.
Saskia Monshouwer is a curator and critic. She writes and curates exhibitions in close collaboration with the artists. The exhibitions are often preceded by an extensive period of research. Her most recent research project is titled ‘Wenden’ [Turning]. It lends inspiration to the development of exhibitions, performances and publications.
The lecture programme ‘OULIPO En Route!’ will take place at Theater Perdu on Thursday 8 February 2024, from 19:30 to 22:00, doors open at 19:00. Lisa Huissoon will present a performance based on her debut novel ‘Alle mensen die ik ken’ [All the People I Know]. Guido van de Wiel will talk about his translations of the novels ‘La Disparition’ [’t Manco] and ‘Les Revenentes’ [De wedergekeerden] by Georges Perec, and artist and professor emeritus Carel Blotkamp will speak about ‘The End: Artists’ Late and Last Works’.

Oulipo is a loose gathering of (mainly) French-speaking writers and mathematicians who seek to create works using constrained writing techniques. Oulipo is short for (French): Ouvroir de littérature potentielle; roughly translated: “(sewing) workshop of potential literature”. One of their most famous members is Georges Perec.
The composition in the title of the exhibitionen route! Oulipo en route! refers to possible parallels between Oulipo and Conceptual Art from the sixties and seventies of the past century.The works of the participators of this exhibition bear the traces of this development.
OULIPO en route!
OuLiPo festi-valletje in Theater Perdu
lisa Huissoon, Guido van de Wiel, Carel Blotkamp
8 februari 2024
Kloveniersburgwal 86
2012 CZ Amsterdam